About Us

People Behind Our Company

Work and expectations challenges inspires us.

Everything we do at Micemade is guided by our vision to ensure that we all go the extra mile to help our customers reach their audiences.We are playing a dynamic role in shaping the interior design industry. The lifelong experience is being reflected in almost every project.

People inspire us and we want to inspire them too.

We have been renowned for the high quality of our hand-made products, the innovative ideas, the effective co-operation with clients around the world and the ability to tailor our services to each customer’s needs surpassing their expectations. We live for that satisfaction.

Our team of experts

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Merlin insidious

Aenean nulla massa, feugiat nec blandit porta, viverra nec metus. Maecenas in magna ullamcorper dolor.

Daniel NIghingale

Aenean nulla massa, feugiat nec blandit porta, viverra nec metus. Maecenas in magna ullamcorper dolor.

Marry perkovic

What We Do

and how we do it

Schedule the Meeting

consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed neque mauris, porta id arcu ac, sagittis auctor ante.

Planning Your Space

Duis pulvinar arcu a ultrices monk dapibus. Etiam suscipit sed quam vel auctor.

Delivering the Solutions

blandit porta, viverra nec metus. Maecenas in magna ullamcorper dolor commodo.

What Our Customers Say

“My day is usually quite hectic. Before I used other shops and  I had to juggle all that various shops to find the right product.
Haumea helped me to find exactly what I needed every time I visited.”

About Us

Phasellus sodal dictum dolor quis fringilla. Nunc accumsan velit sit amet enim maximus solsodales.

Our Mission

Etiam fringilla lobortis risus, sed accumsan enim rutrum vel. Aenean iaculis magna libero, at blandit augue rhoncus sed.

Our Offer

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